A better life starts with a beautiful smile

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Contact Us

Minimizing risks

One Top Choice offers general liability and employee risk control services that can help you continuously improve workplace safety, mitigate injury, and reduce costs.

Risk management

At One Top Choice, we help practice effective risk management by creating a problem-solving plan and implementing the procedure on time.

Asset protection

One Top Choice has a wide array of insurance products to meet your business planning needs with recruiting, retaining, or replacing key employees critical to your business.

Asset protection

One Top Choice has a wide array of insurance products to meet your business planning needs with recruiting, retaining, or replacing key employees critical to your business.

About Our Insurance Agency

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At Collinsville Insurance, saving money is a vital concern for nearly everyone in these difficult times. Because of this, you must find the best possible rate for your auto and homeowners insurance policy. Luckily, it is much easier to find a great rate for insurance now than ever before.

The insurance industry has changed drastically in the last decade, with nearly every company offering its product online. In the past, you were stuck accepting whatever type of insurance your agent could find for you. However, people have become accustomed to working directly with insurance companies and handling their policies online. However, there are drawbacks to working directly with an insurer without third-party assistance.

Insurance is complicated; many customers often need help understanding what coverage fits their requirements. As a result, they take the lowest possible rate without looking into the repercussions.

Contact US

We are experienced, reliable and professional.

Our insurance services are tailored to the specific needs of people and organizations. We focus great customer service and expert counseling to ensure you have the finest coverage within your budget, providing you with maximum security and peace of mind. You can count on us to help you meet your insurance goals.

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The Advantages of Working with Us

We represent multiple insurance companies.
We are licensed insurance advisors.

We are by your side every step of the way.

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Insurance Coverage

Home Insurance Coverage
Renters Insurance Coverage
Auto Insurance Coverage
Business Owner Coverage
Key Person Life Coverage
Cyber Insurance Coverage

Home Insurance Coverage

Risk Factors

You return from a family vacation to discover thieves have stolen electronic equipment from your media room.


If your possessions are stolen, damaged or destroyed in an insured loss, your home insurance coverage can help replace them, up to the policy’s stated limits.

Renters Insurance Coverage

Risk Factors

On an especially gusty day, strong winds push a small potted plant off your apartment’s balcony and onto a neighbour who is passing below. He is seriously bruised, and decides to sue.


Renters liability coverage under renters insurance may help if you’re responsible for an injury to someone outside your household.

Auto Insurance Coverage

Risk Factors

You suffer minor injuries when another driver runs a red light and clips your car’s rear fender. On top of it all, the driver doesn’t have auto insurance.


Uninsured motorist coverage covers the costs of your bodily injuries — up to your policy limit – when they are caused by an at-fault driver without any auto insurance.

Business Owner Coverage

Risk Factors

A business owner would require to take various types of insurance coverage to cover each risk. This can cost them more if they take it separately.


A business owner policy packages all the required coverage a business owner would need. BOPs often include business interruption, property, vehicle, liability, and crime insurance. Typically, a business owner will save money by choosing a BOP because the bundle of services often costs less than the total cost of all the individual coverage.

Key Person Life Coverage

Risk Factors

A company fails to retain its clients or uphold its reputation based on a particular employee’s skills or name (like a partner at a law firm).


Key Person Life insurance can be taken to retain clients and uphold their reputation.

Cyber Insurance Coverage

Risk Factors

Your office system got hacked, and personally identifiable information was stolen. So you had to hire a public relations firm to restore your brand image.


Cyber Insurance would cover any loss and pay for hiring a public relations firm.
Work With Us

The Advantages of Working with Us

Here are few reasons you should work with an Independent Insurance Agency

One-stop shopping 

You will be able to find multiple companies and wide options


Switch without hassle and find the most suitable insurance


We don’t represent one company & can give you multiple options to choose from


Higher quality customer care than big corporate companies


We help all the way from policy reviews to claims assistance

What Our Customer Say About Us!

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Insurance Tips
Navigating Your Coverage Options

May 12, 2021
What do you need to know about insuring your home-based business?

As of 2018, 30.2 million small businesses were operating in the United States, and 50% were home-based businesses. A home-based business offers many benefits, including low costs, tax benefits, flexibility, and freedom from commuting. Like any business, a home-based operation requires insurance. Various insurance options are available, so home business owners can choose what best […]

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April 12, 2021
RV maintenance checklist

    Sitting behind the wheel of your new RV comes with a lot of elation and anticipation. The open road is in front of you, and with all of the national parks and wild spaces available to explore in the U.S., there is nearly endless adventure ahead. But of course, you’ll have to make […]

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March 27, 2021
7 Things You Should Know About Boat Insurance.

Boating is undoubtedly one of the best ways for you to release stress. You are excited to hit the water on your boat; worrying about the finances in case of an unfortunate event would be the last thing you would want. So, make sure your boat is well insured.  We have collated seven significant points […]

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Opening Hours

Monday – Friday : 9 am to 5 pm

Our Location

Drive Dunlap, IL 61525
Our company is licensed in several states, including California, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, and Texas. We are dedicated to enhancing your insurance coverage while keeping costs in check, providing you with peace of mind in various scenarios and bolstering your confidence in the future.
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Our commitment is to provide unparalleled customer service and exceptional value.
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